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San Diego is a small community about 27 kilometers from the shores of the Pacific Ocean and 40 kilometers west-southwest of Managua, the capital city of Nicaragua.San Diego is comprised of rural farming communities with scarce resources and limited access to health care, educational facilities, modern infrastructure, and marketplaces to sell goods.  The local families are involved in three main industries: cattle, sugarcane, and corn. Only through the assistance of the nearby oceanside resort did the community recieve electricity last year. The gently rolling hills of the region, sloping from Managua to the coast, make transportation relatively easy. During the dry season, the area's rivers sometimes serve as roads for the workers commuting to their jobs via bicycle but during the rainy season the water levels rise 1.5m which made even transportation across the river impossible before their bridge was built.


San Diego, Nicaragua

Community Members Served

Bridge Span Length

Meet the Team

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